Our Speakers
will be teaching and shedding more light on the alternatives to an oil-driven economy
Come discover the opportunities that abound in our great nation, NIgeria
Event Details
The International Conference Centre, Abuja
April 30, 2016 | 9:00 Am Prompt

Welcome to The Platform, Abuja
In this edition of The Platform, we will be examining the unrealized ability in other assets the nation possesses besides oil, which are capable of growth and development and can generate surplus. The vision behind The Platform is nation building; the tool is public education and enlightenment.
The present economic travail in our country can have only one definite outcome; people have to start thinking outside the box. No nation or state has grown by depending on the external.
Ask the Vice President
His Excellency, The Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria will be at The Platform Abuja and we would be taken questions from the general public.
If you have a question, send it to askthevicepresident@theplatformnigeria.com
A Global Media Event
The Platform Nigeria is a Global Media Event that will be broadcast LIVE on Channels TV and online. If you believe that someone in your network would benefit from the information that will be shared, then join us in spreading the word.
Event Access
As is the practice, The Platform Nigeria will be a FREE event which means you can gain access to all the sessions at no cost to you. You will however need to register to indicate your interest in attending the event.
You can lend your voice to the conversation on social media using the official hashtag for the event. If you have questions for any of the speakers, you can send them in to the media team using the hashtag as well.